Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Dolphin Experience

If you have read my last two blogs, you may be wondering why i am so interested in dolphins and whales so much. Well the answer is because i am a college student at York College of Pennsylvania who is currently a biology major, and upon graduation i would like to be a marine biologist who works with whales and dolphins at either an aquarium, be a diver that works with them at somewhere like Sea World, or maybe even just free-lance on my own and study them in nature out on the open sea. I think that they are incredibly fascinating, intelligent animals, and i have ever since i saw my first one. I went to the aquarium when i was young and saw the dolphin show. They were doing all their tricks and jumping and splashing around. I was at such a young age i thought it was just fun and couldn't appreciate their intelligence. But i just went to the aquarium very recently and needless to say i paid for the dolphin show again. This time i understood just how smart these creatures were that they could work with humans and understand our commands, and once again it was very fun to watch. But this time was very special for me because i got chosen to be the special audience member that got to give the dolphins some commands of my own and afterwards i got to have the dolphin swim up to me on the ledge and i got to touch it and be face to face with what i hope to think of as my future partner in my occupation. I love learning about these fascinating animals and my research will continue, I also can't wait until i graduate here and begin to work with them every day one way or another. (here is a video of me at the aquarium doing the dolphin show...


MACMAN said...

Hi Kevin,

You looked like you had fun at the Baltimore Aquarium, a great place. At some point, you may want to swim with the dolphins in Florida and experience being really up close with the dolphins. Keep living your dream.
God Bless,

manfromwi24 said...

hey man, don't know if you run this blog anymore, but I too am a big dolphin person. I'm more of a writer by profession than a scientist/marine guy, but one of the topics I love writing about is dolphins/whales. Got a blog of my own over here